Siggraph 2014 - TA Meetup

Hi all,

anyone heading to Siggraph this year? Wanna meetup? I’m planning on organizing a TA Pub event up here in Vancouver.

Reply with the best day that suits you.


Sunday or Monday

Monday for me.

Sunday for me

Alright… looks like Monday night is going to work for everyone! I don’t have a place in mind just yet but we are aiming for 8:30-9pm Downtown. It will probably be a 5-10min walk from the convention center.

If you want to come along just reply and I can book accordingly.

Catch you then.

Looking forward to see you guys. I will be there with a colleague

Good stuff! We need nametags with our handles on them :slight_smile:

Hahahah yeah we do!

I’m going to be booking a table tomorrow.

9pm at The Butcher & Bullock 911W Pender St. Vancouver

it’s only a couple of blocks from the Conference Center. And hopefully it won’t be too packed.

Catch you guys there.

Kinda missed the initial replies but count me in

See you all there!

Unfortunately I forgot to switch my plan, so no cell phone. But I will have email at the show. theodox-at-gmail if plans change.

Everything is booked in, so we are a go. Catch you guys there. Just listen for “bla bla bla Python bla bla Maya bla Games” you’ll find us.

Thanks for setting it up Rob ! Great to see everybody!

It was indeed, great to see everyone :slight_smile:

Good times. We should introduce our google hangouts again to continue the good vibe

It’s coming back with recorded talks… I’ll keep you posted :slight_smile:

My g+ is ‘theodox’ (surpise)!

What’s everybody elses?

I suck at matching handles to emails to faces. Not suited for life in the XXI century

Mine is “Nysuatro”, hehe …

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