Hey guys, I know this is not a support website but I am having an issue with loading shelf icons (Scripts) onto a few artists Maya shelves. I am placing the Shelf.mel in their ‘C:\Users\Artist\Documents\maya\2016\prefs\shelves’ and the shelf itself loads into Maya, but it’s not creating the icons, and I am able to call the commands from the script editor so I know it’s not an issue with the code.
Has anyone experienced this? or have any idea of what I should do? I have already deleted their userPrefs.mel and tried a few other things to no luck. It’s also happening on random machines, with the exact same systems. They can’t even create and save their own shelves.
i have seen this before, i will need to bang my head against the wall for a bit to remember what caused it…
i vaguely remember that I had phantom shelves saved into my userPrefs.mel file, I scrubbed through the optionVars for each shelf and verified they were correct.
I also vaguely remember the XGen shelf was involved somehow, either as part of the problem or exhibiting symptoms.
[QUOTE=rgkovach123;31285]i have seen this before, i will need to bang my head against the wall for a bit to remember what caused it…
i vaguely remember that I had phantom shelves saved into my userPrefs.mel file, I scrubbed through the optionVars for each shelf and verified they were correct.
I also vaguely remember the XGen shelf was involved somehow, either as part of the problem or exhibiting symptoms.[/QUOTE]