Seeking an advisor for Unreal anim tree development

Hello, my name is Zoltan Erdokovy and I’m working on a project using the
Unreal engine (UDK).

My current task is to create the main animtree and specify the necessary
animations to be made by an outsourcing company.
I don’t feel that I have enough experience to do this efficiently so I’m
seeking the help of someone with a deeper knowledge of the matter.
His/her task would be the following:

  • Preflight check of the existing, preliminary animtree, the planned anim
    sequences and the related documentation.
  • Overlook the evolution of the animtree, give opinion and suggest solutions.
  • If an animation needs to be changed, provide pointers how to fix it.
  • Teaching me everything possible. :slight_smile:

It’s hard to estimate the time it would take, but at this point I’d go for 1
hour sessions once or twice a week. (Skype and a webcam would be

The wage is up for discussion.

If you’re interested, please PM me for a more details.