Hello all, I’ve reccently wrote a script, my first script in maya using python, I’m still very new to scripting in general as you can probably tell from my script.
The script was designed to help me create some simple 3d modules for a project Im working on. And it works great does everything I need it to, that is until I close maya and reopen it.
All of a sudden none of my expressions work and I get the error message:
# Error: NameError: name 'molecule1' is not defined #
// Error: An execution error occured in the expression molecule1_exp. //
molecule1 is what I named the instance when I created it from the Atom Class. It seems that when I reboot maya it seems to loose the instance, I’m not really sure whats going on, but I cant access any of the functions inside the class.
Here is my script:
class Atom(object):
def __init__(self):
import maya.mel as mel
#Create Particles
csel = mc.ls(selection=True)
cv = mc.getAttr(csel[0]+ ".cv[li]")
[/li] self.name = csel[0]
mc.nParticle(p=cv,name=self.name + "_nP")
self.pcount = mc.particle(self.name + "_nP", query=True, ct=True)
# Locator Creation
for pt in range(0,self.pcount):
pctp = mc.nParticle(self.name + "_nP", q=True, at="position", id = pt)
pctpx = pctp[0]
pctpy = pctp[1]
pctpz = pctp[2]
mc.spaceLocator(name=self.name + "_Locator_" + str(pt))
mc.setAttr (self.name + "_Locator_" + str(pt) + ".translate", pctpx,pctpy,pctpz)
#Define cylinder bonds function
for x in range(0,self.pcount):
mc.polyCylinder(name=self.name + "_Bond_" + str(x), ax=(0,0,1), sx=10, radius = mc.getAttr(self.name + "_nPShape.radius")/4)
mc.cluster(self.name + "_Bond_" + str(x) + ".vtx[0:9]", n=self.name + "_BondClusterTop_" + str(x),rel=True)
mc.cluster(self.name + "_Bond_" + str(x) + ".vtx[10:19]", n =self.name + "_BondClusterBottom_" + str(x),rel=True)
#Parent clusters to locators
#First set of bonds
if self.pcount%2 ==0:
for x in range(0,self.pcount,2):
mc.aimConstraint(self.name + "_BondClusterTop_" + str(x) + "Handle", self.name + "_BondClusterBottom_" + str(x) + "Handle", mo=True)
mc.aimConstraint(self.name + "_BondClusterBottom_" + str(x) + "Handle",self.name + "_BondClusterTop_" + str(x) + "Handle", mo=True)
mc.pointConstraint(self.name + "_Locator_" + str(x), self.name + "_BondClusterTop_" + str(x) + "Handle")
mc.pointConstraint(self.name + "_Locator_" + str(x+1),self.name + "_BondClusterBottom_" + str(x) + "Handle")
for x in range(0,self.pcount-1,2):
mc.aimConstraint(self.name + "_BondClusterTop_" + str(x) + "Handle",self.name + "_BondClusterBottom_" + str(x) + "Handle", mo=True)
mc.aimConstraint(self.name + "_BondClusterBottom_" + str(x) + "Handle",self.name + "_BondClusterTop_" + str(x) + "Handle", mo=True)
mc.pointConstraint(self.name + "_Locator_" + str(x),self.name + "_BondClusterTop_" + str(x) + "Handle")
mc.pointConstraint(self.name + "_Locator_" + str(x+1),self.name + "_BondClusterBottom_" + str(x) + "Handle")
#Second set of bonds
for x in range(1,self.pcount-1,2):
mc.aimConstraint(self.name + "_BondClusterTop_" + str(x) + "Handle",self.name + "_BondClusterBottom_" + str(x) + "Handle", mo=True)
mc.aimConstraint(self.name + "_BondClusterBottom_" + str(x) + "Handle",self.name + "_BondClusterTop_" + str(x) + "Handle", mo=True)
mc.pointConstraint(self.name + "_Locator_" + str(x),self.name + "_BondClusterTop_" + str(x) + "Handle")
mc.pointConstraint(self.name + "_Locator_" + str(x+1),self.name + "_BondClusterBottom_" + str(x) + "Handle")
#Joining the ends
mc.aimConstraint(self.name + "_BondClusterTop_" + str(self.pcount-1) + "Handle",self.name + "_BondClusterBottom_" + str(self.pcount-1) + "Handle", mo=True)
mc.aimConstraint(self.name + "_BondClusterBottom_" + str(self.pcount-1) + "Handle",self.name + "_BondClusterTop_" + str(self.pcount-1) + "Handle", mo=True)
mc.pointConstraint(self.name + "_Locator_" + str(self.pcount-1),self.name + "_BondClusterTop_" + str(self.pcount-1) + "Handle")
mc.pointConstraint(self.name + "_Locator_0",self.name + "_BondClusterBottom_" + str(self.pcount-1) + "Handle")
#Create Springs
mc.spring(self.name + "_nP", minMax=True, urp=True,mxd=100, name=self.name + "_BondSpring")
#Create Groups
mc.group(self.name + "_nP", name=self.name + "_Group")
mc.group(self.name + "_Bond*",name=self.name + "_Bonds_Group", parent=self.name + "_Group")
mc.group(self.name + "_Locator*",name=self.name + "_Locators_Group",parent=self.name + "_Group")
mc.parent(self.name, self.name + "_Bonds_Group")
self.expSt ="python(\"" + self.name + ".nploc()\");"
mc.expression(n=self.name + "_exp",s=self.expSt, ae=True)
eval("self.name + \".nploc()\"")
#Expression Deffinition
def nploc(self):
for x in range(0,self.pcount):
ptp = mc.nParticle(self.name + "_nP", q=True, at="position", id = x)
ptpx = ptp[0]
ptpy = ptp[1]
ptpz = ptp[2]
mc.setAttr(self.name + "_Locator_" + str(x) + ".translate",ptpx,ptpy,ptpz)
Its rather annoying as took me a couple of days of work to make the script, with it being my first one and all I was rather proud up until this point.
Can anyone help me out?
Many Thanks.