Scaling with transform coordinate center [maxscript]

I want to scale multiple objects in global transform coordinate. (0,0,0)
but when I scale them:

scale $ [0.5,0.5,0.5]

they will scale by their local pivot point.
I set:

setCoordCenter #system

gizmo will go to 0.0.0 but still scaling will be on objects local pivot point.
also tried to pack them in a group and scale them, again they will scale same as previous tries.

I don’t want to change models pivot points too.

are there any suggestions please?

I assume this is what you want to do.

for i in selection do (
   i.transform=i.transform*(matrix3 [0.5,0,0] [0,0.5,0] [0,0,0.5] [0,0,0])

This will scale your objects by 0.5 in x,y and z (first three parts of the matrix) from the point [0,0,0] (last part of the matrix) in space

thank you very much. this is what I was looking for. :slight_smile: