San Francisco/Silicon Valley Tech Artist Meetup

Seems like Tech Art Meetups are becoming the thing to do, so let’s see if we can’t get one started for the SF/Silicon Valley. That’s a bit of a broad range for sure, so before i make any plans, how about a show of hands and where you’re located so I can suss out good potential meeting places?

If this is something you’d be up to, post your name/, title(opt), location, preferred meetup days, and how far you’d be willing to travel, ex:

Name: Seth Gibson
Title: Software Engineer, Intel
Location: San Jose
Preferred Days: Thursday
Willing to travel to: San Francisco

Please feel free to share this on your blog, twitter, facebook, g+, whatever, let’s make this happen!

yaaaaaay! I think a Bay Area tech-art meet-up would be awesome for you folks down there. Such a varied and talented pool of TA’s.


Name: Aylwin Villanueva
Title: Pipeline Assistant Technical Director, Lucasfilm Animation
Location: San Rafael
Preferred Days: Weekend
Willing to Travel to: [Depends] :slight_smile:

Name: Brett Tribble
Title: TAD Maxis/EA
Location: Redwood Shores
Preferred Days: Weekday Evening, though I don’t want to insult Saturday and Sunday.
Willing to Travel to: Barcelona (amongst other places) :slight_smile:

Name: Shawn Kirsch
Title: Senior PST, Sony Imageworks
Location: LA
Preferred Days: weekends only
Willing to travel to: San Francisco

Name: Brandon Newton
Location: San Francisco
Preferred Days: Weekends… or whatever with enough notice.
Willing to Travel to: Wherever BART goes preferably, but wherever there are roads and parking is acceptable.

Name: Christopher Emerson
Title: Character Artist Intern, Backbone Entertainment
Location: San Leandro
Preferred Days: Weekend
Willing to Travel to: Close to a Bart Station if in the city, but by car anywhere else.

Bumping, we’re looking at maybe setting the first one up for the end of the month, tell your friends!

Name: Denis Korkh
Title: Lead Character Artist - Cryptic Studios
Location: Los Gatos
Preferred Days: Any w/ notice
Willing to Travel to: Anywhere in the bay.

This would be wicked!

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