I would really love to get an RSS feed of the site.
I would really love to get an RSS feed of the site.
I believe there are a few of them. I have google sidebar setup and it captured the recent changes feed and the tech-artist wiki feed.
Thanks Randall!
Is there also RSS support for the forum threads?
If there is I haven’t come across it.
We can try to get this set up this weekend as well. Thanks for the idea!
Just wanted to point out that the rss links on the blog main page are dead.
The url should be what Randall pointed to in this thread (thanks btw.)
I’ll see if I can set the rss feed up this evening.
Actually, it’s already build in it seems. It just needed to be enabled.
Here ya go, forums rss feed.
Yup awesome thanks!
Is the forum RSS working for anyone?
I get a database error
Ditto, database error.
Hrmm - it doesn’t seem to work when I click on it.
Try http://tech-artists.org/forum/external.php?type=rss
That should work.
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hey rob -
thanks for supplying the RSS feed. i subscribe to a ton of sites thru google reader which allows me to scan a ton of content & blogs in short bursts throughout the day.
i’d setup tech-artists.org in reader when you posted this RSS link, but it’s only ever showed up as the title of the post & a link to the site (see attached image). when scanning articles, i have to choose if i want to read more soley by this title. it would be nice if it included the actual text as well. many times the title is too vague & i don’t bother to click through and participate in the discussion or provide an answer. i think adding this feature to the RSS feed will at least improve MY traffic to the site. :rolleyes:
is that possible you think?
Yes for sure. I’m going to be talking with some people about moving TAO into the mobile age, more details to come.
I’d say that’s more related to Google Reader and how they fetch their data. If you use another app like CustomRSS for example, you do get more info then just the topic title.
yep - i use that for game sites like kotaku & shacknews that i peruse more casually. however, i subscribe to roughly 60 or so blogs and forums & the google reader gadget on the igoogle homepage allows me to check them like email. since i’m more actively interested in the content on TAO, i have it sitting google reader.