I have two animations a walk and a run. At first glance they are very similar,
the character faces Z+ axis in both cases.
However I noticed that the control rig’s ref node (*_Ctrl:Reference) is rotated
90 degrees around the Up axis in the Run take. If I remove this rotation then
the character runs toward X+.
I tried adding a new anim layer, selecting all effectors, releasing and rotating
them. While the orientation is good, the animation data was not rotated so now
the figure is strafing.
use unpin all button, rotate your character to the new direction, but instead of adding an animation layer, just select all the keyframes in the timeline and hit the move keys button. It will update the translation keys based on the rotation allowing you to redirect the character.
I love that tool. FYI Chad and I released just the PDF of our motionBuilder masterclass at a much cheaper price than the DVD and this tool among others are covered in there. The Character Animator Toolkit for MotionBuilder: EBook Now Avaible with short preview. It would help you out