
Hey guys,

Dunno if you’re seen this yet - but it looks quite interesting! Don’t understand the full scope of what it’s capable of myself, but might be worth keeping an eye on? You can also download it at the link but it’s still in alpha it seems! :slight_smile:


It’s interesting…maybe in a fun iPhone app sort of way? Or maybe for quick previs with a director
I’m not sure where or if I would ever use this.

It doesn’t seem as powerful as the IKinema/Modo rig-less rigging, and it doesn’t show using it with existing meshes as far as I saw. It could be cool to autogenerate a zsphere rig in zbrush for posing for a character.

[QUOTE=dgovil;16154]It’s interesting…maybe in a fun iPhone app sort of way? Or maybe for quick previs with a director
I’m not sure where or if I would ever use this.

It doesn’t seem as powerful as the IKinema/Modo rig-less rigging, and it doesn’t show using it with existing meshes as far as I saw. It could be cool to autogenerate a zsphere rig in zbrush for posing for a character.[/QUOTE]

That’s what I thought myself - but it’ll be interesting to see where it might go. :slight_smile: