Renderman Attribute problem when using custom shader

I just singed up to this web site so this will be my first post :smiley:

Well im trying to make my first shader in renderman, every thing goes fine I’m using Cutter as my text editor (Cutter - About) I was able to compile the .sl file to a .slo file with no problems and all of my system paths seem to be in place (Thank god).

But after I load my .slo in to the RenderManShader for some reason I cannot see the Render Man Shader Attributes, the panal is empty with no options to change the color of my surface.

not only that but when I render my scene it shows a default Lambert and not my shader.

Pleas help me!
Thank you!

Update : For some reason it randomly decided to work, but then stop working again and now when I render this error appears : // Error: line 1: deleteUI: Object ‘AttrEdRenderManShaderFormLayout’ not found.

Im using literally the simplest shade I can think of:

surface myShader()
Ci = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Oi = 1;

This is really frustrating :frowning:

It looks like the UI is failing to update. It seems to want to delete AttrEdRenderManShaderFormLayout but must have already done so or is calling something incorrectly.
I would try filing a bug report if noone else has an answer or looking for that layout name AttrEdRenderManShaderFormLayout and see if you can decipher what it’s doing. IMO it sounds like a bug in their distribution of the attribute editor template.

Ok thank you!
And yes I did delete it and stil no luck.
I will fill out a bug report and hope for the best lol :smiley:
Thank you man!