it’s possible for this to happen if your .py files are confused about their mod dates: you change the source but for whatever reason python does not now that the pycs are invalid and continues to use them in preference to the pys. If you delete all the pycs in your work space you may have better luck
reload only works on the current file being reloaded - it doesn’t pick any changes to files that the original file imports.
if you need to reload dependencies, you need to use something like the reimport module.
I get this issue all the time. While working with multiple python files(I stay organized that way), I just add the reload under the import. THen removed all the reloads when I deploy.
import derpOne as dOne
import derpTwo as dTwo
import derpThree as dThree
Class derpy():
def __init__(self, daDerp):
def doIt(self):