[Release] Visual Studio 2012 Dark Theme for Qt Applications

Hello i’m new here!.

Instead to start an post with a inquery first my two cents, i was looking for Qt stylesheets for my game engine editor but i don’t find professionaly designed styleshets if i found one, is for the Quassel IRC with false hopes if working even if edit it, i found also there the DarkOrange qt theme, so i created my own, i designed my own, based in the Visual Studio 2012 Dark Theme, for now is running ok, tested in Qt 4.8 and Qt 5 is in pre-alpha (Some bugs in the QScrollBar) state but has everything to look good some sample is here:

The code is here:

vs_dark.zip (914 Bytes)

Enjoy, WTFPL Licensed, Contributions welcome. Soon in GitHub.


thanks for that style, I’m also working on a stylesheet definition which adapts from the Metro design patterns.
I think you could improve your stylesheet by removing the default borders of widgets and by adding very simple hover effects for interactive UI elements. That behavior is nowadays a must-have in responsive UI design.

~ Killian

Sorry about the the late reply of this post. i abandoned this thread but since is a WIP i’m still working on it and will give updates soon when i have the time