Well after a lot of hard graft v1.27 of the Red9 Studio Pack is finally ready and uploaded. I’ve spent a long time fleshing a full on production pipeline for Animators / Riggers and the latest build had just been pushed out on CreativeCrash:
For those who don’t already know this is a full on animation pipeline that handles everything from simple snap functionality to PoseSavers that work in relative space, PosePointClouds, and a full MetaData API that I’ve been pushing really hard. This comes with examples of how to wire your rigs up to the systems and lots of unittests to give you an idea of what the code expects and is capable of.
I’m going to spend part of Christmas doing more updated Vimeo demos as there’s a ton of upgrades that really need to be shown properly for you to get the full idea.
Happy Christmas and enjoy,