Hi to all geeks and nerds and expert of qt and PyQt
I am starting up with qt and it seems digia has changed a little bit of their qt creator, I remember seeing a separate qt creator , disabled qt designer button but this qt creator seems to have changed overtime,
as far as chap 8 is on page 242 step 2 i cannot find the exact option and end up with different stuff which is then given on Fig 8.4 next page,
if anyone has seen or read this chap of the book or understand what I mean please seed me to start up with qt
it seems like qt designer is not included with qt creator will it be included with qt sdk ?
Qt creator != Qt Designer. Designer is part of Creator but if you want a hassle free approach, just use the Designer that comes with Maya. It’ll be in your Maya bin folder most likely as long as you’re not on a Mac
But honestly, I find it way easier to learn Qt and PyQt from code rather than the designer. It makes understanding the relationship between things much easier. http://zetcode.com/tutorials/pyqt4/
[QUOTE=dgovil;19116]Qt creator != Qt Designer. Designer is part of Creator but if you want a hassle free approach, just use the Designer that comes with Maya. It’ll be in your Maya bin folder most likely as long as you’re not on a Mac
But honestly, I find it way easier to learn Qt and PyQt from code rather than the designer. It makes understanding the relationship between things much easier. http://zetcode.com/tutorials/pyqt4/[/QUOTE]
thanks d, i noticed qt creator doesnt have qt designer
You shouldn’t be importing your maya.cmds in the Qt dialog. It’s doable but messy and unnecessary.
Rather you should be using a loadUI function to load the UI into a python script
+command and -command cna be used for MEL and Python respectively though