Using comtypes.client to get a COM link to Photoshop… working with objects and actions works great except I have no idea how to access photoshop’s constants. Has anyone done this?
Here’s a look down face in anticipation. :lookdown:
I have no idea if it’s the same for Photoshop, but using Excel you can do it like this:
import win32com.client as win32
psApp = win32.Dispatch('Photoshop.Application')
I made this from the Ps scripting doc of CS5.5
class PsConstants :
class PsAdjustmentReference :
psRelative = 1
psAbsolute = 2
class PsAnchorPosition :
psTopLeft = 1
psTopCenter = 2
psTopRight = 3
psMiddleLeft = 4
psMiddleCenter = 5
psMiddleRight = 6
psBottomLeft = 7
psBottomCenter = 8
psBottomRight = 9
class PsAntiAlias :
psNoAntialias = 1
psSharp = 2
psCrisp = 3
psStrong = 4
psSmooth = 5
class PsAutoKernType :
psManual = 1
psMetrics = 2
psOptical = 3
class PsBatchDestinationType :
psNoDestination = 1
psSaveAndClose = 2
psFolder = 3
class PsBitmapConversionType :
psHalfThreshold = 1
psPatternDither = 2
psDiffusionDither = 3
psHalftoneScreen = 4
psCustomPattern = 5
class PsBitmapHalfToneType :
psHalftoneRound = 1
psHalftoneDiamond = 2
psHalftoneEllipse = 3
psHalftoneLine = 4
psHalftoneSquare = 5
psHalftoneCross = 6
class PsBitsPerChannelType :
psDocument1Bit = 1
psDocument8Bits = 8
psDocument16Bits = 16
psDocument32Bit = 32
psPassThrough = 1
psNormalBlend = 2
psDissolve = 3
psDarken = 4
psMultiply = 5
psColorBurn = 6
psLinearBurn = 7
psLighten = 8
psScreen = 9
psColorDodge = 10
psLinearDodge = 11
psOverlay = 12
psSoftLight = 13
psHardLight = 14
psVividLight = 15
psLinearLight = 16
psPinLight = 17
psDifference = 18
psExclusion = 19
psHue = 20
psSaturationBlend = 21
psColorBlend = 22
psLuminosity = 23
psHardMix = 26
psLighterColor = 27
psDarkerColor = 28
psSubtract = 29
psDivid = 30
class PsBMPDepthType :
psBMP1Bit = 1
psBMP4Bits = 4
psBMP8Bits = 8
psBMP16Bits = 16
psBMP24Bits = 24
psBMP32Bits = 32
psBMP_X1R5G5B5 = 60
psBMP_A1R5G5B5 = 61
psBMP_R5G6B5 = 62
psBMP_X4R4G4B4 = 63
psBMP_A4R4G4B4 = 64
psBMP_R8G8B8 = 65
psBMP_X8R8G8B8 = 66
psBMP_A8R8G8B8 = 67
class PsByteOrder :
psIBMByteOrder = 1
psMacOSByteOrder = 2
class PsCameraRAWSettingsType :
psCameraDefault = 0
psSelectedImage = 1
psCustomSettings = 2
class PsCameraRAWSize :
psMinimumCameraRAW = 0
psSmallCameraRAW = 1
psMediumCameraRAW = 2
psLargeCameraRAW = 3
psExtraLargeCameraRAW = 4
psMaximumCameraRAW = 5
psNormalCase = 1
psAllCaps = 2
psSmallCaps = 3
class PsChangeMode :
psConvertToGrayscale = 1
psConvertToRGB = 2
psConvertToCMYK = 3
psConvertToLab = 4
psConvertToBitmap = 5
psConvertToIndexedColor = 6
psConvertToMultiChannel = 7
class PsChannelType :
psComponentChannel = 1
psMaskedAreaAlphaChannel = 2
psSelectedAreaAlphaChannel = 3
psSpotColorChannel = 4
class PsColorBlendMode :
psNormalBlendColor = 2
psDissolveBlend = 3
psDarkenBlend = 4
psMultiplyBlend = 5
psColorBurnBlend = 6
psLinearBurnBlend = 7
psLightenBlend = 8
psScreenBlend = 9
psColorDodgeBlend = 10
psLinearDodgeBlend = 11
psOverlayBlend = 12
psSoftLightBlend = 13
psHardLightBlend = 14
psVividLightBlend = 15
psLinearLightBlend = 16
psPinLightBlend = 17
psDifferenceBlend = 18
psExclusionBlend = 19
psHueBlend = 20
psSaturationBlendColo = 21
psColorBlendMode = 22
psLuminosityBlen = 23
psBehindBlend = 24
psClearBlend = 25
psHardMixBlend = 26
psSubtract = 27
psDivide = 28
class PsColorModel :
psGrayscaleModel = 1
psRGBModel = 2
psCMYKModel = 3
psLabModel = 4
psHSBModel = 5
psNoModel = 50
class PsColorPicker :
psAdobeColorPicker = 1
psAppleColorPicker = 2
psWindowsColorPicker = 3
psPlugInColorPicker = 4
class PsColorProfileType :
psNo = 1
psWorking = 2
psCustom = 3
class PsColorReductionType :
psPerceptualReduction = 0
psSelective = 1
psAdaptive = 2
psRestrictive = 3
psCustomReduction = 4
psBlackWhiteReduction = 5
psSFWGrayscale = 6
psMacintoshColors = 7
psWindowsColors = 8
class PsColorSpaceType :
psAdobeRGB = 0
psColorMatchRGB = 1
psProPhotoRGB = 2
psSRGB = 3
class PsCopyrightedType :
psCopyrightedWork = 1
psPublicDomain = 2
psUnmarked = 3
class PsCreateFields :
psDuplication = 1
psInterpolation = 2
class PsCropToType :
psBoundingBox = 0
psMediaBox = 1
psCropBox = 2
psBleedBox = 3
psTrimBox = 4
psArtBox = 5
class PsDCSType :
psNoComposite = 1
psGrayscaleComposite = 2
psColorComposite = 3
class PsDepthMapSource :
psNoSource = 1
psTransparencyChannel = 2
psLayerMask = 3
psImageHighlight = 4
class PsDescValueType :
psIntegerType = 1
psDoubleType = 2
psUnitDoubleType = 3
psStringType = 4
psBooleanType = 5
psListType = 6
psObjectType = 7
psEnumeratedType = 8
psReferenceType = 9
psClassType = 10
psAliasType = 11
psRawType = 12
class PsDialogModes :
psDisplayAllDialogs = 1
psDisplayErrorDialogs = 2
psDisplayNoDialogs = 3
class PsDirection :
psHorizontal = 1
psVertical = 2
class PsDisplacementMapType :
psStretchToFit = 1
psTile = 2
class PsDitherType :
psNoDither = 1
psDiffusion = 2
psPattern = 3
psNoise = 4
class PsDocumentFill :
psWhite = 1
psBackgroundColor = 2
psTransparent = 3
class PsDocumentMode :
psGrayscale = 1
psRGB = 2
psCMYK = 3
psLab = 4
psBitmap = 5
psIndexedColor = 6
psMultiChannel = 7
psDuotone = 8
class PsEditLogItemsType :
psSessionOnly = 1
psConcise = 2
psDetailed = 3
class PsElementPlacement :
psPlaceInside = 0
psPlaceAtBeginning = 1
psPlaceAtEnd = 2
psPlaceBefore = 3
psPlaceAfter = 4
class PsEliminateFields :
psOddFields = 1
psEvenFields = 2
class PsExportType :
psIllustratorPaths = 1
psSaveForWeb = 2
class PsExtensionType :
psLowercase = 2
psUppercase = 3
class PsFileNamingType :
psDocumentNameMixed = 1
psDocumentNameLower = 2
psDocumentNameUpper = 3
psSerialNumber1 = 4
psSerialNumber2 = 5
psSerialNumber3 = 6
psSerialNumber4 = 7
psSerialLetterLower = 8
psSerialLetterUpper = 9
psMmddyy = 10
psMmdd = 11
psYyyymmdd = 12
psYymmdd = 13
psYyddmm = 14
psDdmmyy = 15
psDdmm = 16
psExtensionLower = 17
psExtensionUpper = 18
psFontPreviewNone = 0
psFontPreviewSmall = 1
psFontPreviewMedium = 2
psFontPreviewLarge = 3
class PsForcedColors :
psNoForced = 1
psBlackWhite = 2
psPrimaries = 3
psWeb = 4
class PsFormatOptionsType :
psStandardBaseline = 1
psOptimizedBaseline = 2
psProgressive = 3
class PsGalleryConstrainType :
psConstrainWidth = 1
psConstrainHeight = 2
psConstrainBoth = 3
class PsGalleryFontType :
psArial = 1
psCourierNew = 2
psHelvetica = 3
psTimesNewRoman = 4
class PsGallerySecurityTextPositionType :
psCentered = 1
psUpperLeft = 2
psLowerLeft = 3
psUpperRight = 4
psLowerRight = 5
class PsGallerySecurityTextRotateType :
psZero = 1
psClockwise45 = 2
psClockwise90 = 3
psCounterClockwise45 = 4
psCounterClockwise90 = 5
class PsGallerySecurityType :
psNoSecurity = 1
psCustomSecurityText = 2
psFilename = 3
psCopyright = 4
psCaption = 5
psCredit = 6
psTitle = 7
class PsGalleryThumbSizeType :
psSmall = 1
psMedium = 2
psLarge = 3
psCustomThumbnail = 4
class PsGeometry :
psTriangle = 0
psPentagon = 1
psHexagon = 2
psSquareGeometry = 3
psHeptagon = 4
psOctagon = 5
class PsGridLineStyle :
psGridSolidLine = 1
psGridDashedLine = 2
psGridDottedLine = 3
class PsGridSize :
psNoGrid = 1
psSmallGrid = 2
psMediumGrid = 3
psLargeGrid = 4
class PsGuideLineStyle :
psGuideSolidLine = 1
psGuideDashedLine = 2
class PsIllustratorPathType :
psDocumentBounds = 1
psAllPaths = 2
psNamedPath = 3
class PsIntent :
psPerceptual = 1
psSaturation = 2
psRelativeColorimetric = 3
psAbsoluteColorimetric = 4
class PsJavaScriptExecutionMode :
psNeverShowDebugger = 1
psDebuggerOnError = 2
psBeforeRunning = 3
class PsJustification :
psLeft = 1
psCenter = 2
psRight = 3
psLeftJustified = 4
psCenterJustified = 5
psRightJustified = 6
psFullyJustified = 7
class PsLanguage :
psEnglishUSA = 1
psEnglishUK = 2
psFrench = 3
psCanadianFrench = 4
psFinnish = 5
psGerman = 6
psOldGerman = 7
psSwissGerman = 8
psItalian = 9
psNorwegian = 10
psNynorskNorwegian = 11
psPortuguese = 12
psBrazillianPortuguese = 13
psSpanish = 14
psSwedish = 15
psDutch = 16
psDanish = 17
class PsLayerCompressionType :
psRLELayerCompression = 1
psZIPLayerCompression = 2
class PsLayerKind :
psNormalLayer = 1
psTextLayer = 2
psSolidFillLayer = 3
psGradientFillLayer = 4
psPatternfillLayer = 5
psLevelsLayer = 6
psCurvesLayer = 7
psColorBalanceLayer = 8
psBrightnessContrastLayer = 9
psHueSaturationLayer = 10
psSelectiveColorLayer = 11
psChannelMixerLayer = 12
psGradientMapLayer = 13
psInversionLayer = 14
psThresholdLayer = 15
psPosterizeLayer = 16
psSmartObjectLayer = 17
psPhotoFilterLayer = 18
psExposureLayer = 19
psLayer3D = 20
psVideoLayer = 21
psBlackAndWhiteLayer = 22
psVibrance = 23
class PsLayerType :
psArtLayer = 1
psLayerSet = 2
class PsLensType :
psZoomLens = 1
psPrime35 = 2
psPrime105 = 3
psMoviePrime = 5
class PsMagnificationType :
psActualSize = 0
psFitPage = 1
class PsMatteType :
psNoMatte = 1
psForegroundColorMatte = 2
psBackgroundColorMatte = 3
psWhiteMatte = 4
psBlackMatte = 5
psSemiGra = 6
psNetscapeGrayMatte = 7
class PsMeasurementRange :
psAllMeasurements = 1
psActiveMeasurements = 2
class PsMeasurementSource :
psMeasureSelection = 1
psMeasureCountTool = 2
psMeasureRulerTool = 3
class PsNewDocumentMode :
psNewGray = 1
psNewRGB = 2
psNewCMYK = 3
psNewLab = 4
psNewBitmap = 5
class PsNoiseDistribution :
psUniformNoise = 1
psGaussianNoise = 2
class PsOffsetUndefinedAreas :
psOffsetSetToLayerFill = 1
psOffsetWraparound = 2
psOffsetRepeatEdgePixels = 3
class PsOpenDocumentMode :
psOpenGray = 1
psOpenRGB = 2
psOpenCMYK = 3
psOpenLab = 4
class PsOpenDocumentType :
psPhotoshopOpen = 1
psBMPOpen = 2
psCompuServeGIFOpen = 3
psPhotoshopEPSOpen = 4
psFilmstripOpen = 5
psJPEGOpe = 6
psPCXOpen = 7
psPhotoshopPDFOpen = 8
psPhotoCDOpen = 9
psPICTFileFormatOpen = 10
psPICTResourceFormatOpen = 11
psPixarOpen = 12
psPNGOpen = 13
psRawOpen = 14
psScitexCTOpen = 15
psTargaOpen = 16
psTIFFOpen = 17
psPhotoshopDCS_1Open = 18
psPhotoshopDCS_2Open = 19
psPDFOpen = 21
psEPSOpen = 22
psEPSPICTPreviewOpen = 23
psEPSTIFFPreviewOpen = 24
psAliasPIXOpen = 25
psElectricImageOpen = 26
psPortableBitmapOpen = 27
psWavefrontRLAOpen = 28
psSGIRGBOpen = 29
psSoftImageOpen = 30
psWirelessBitmapOpen = 31
psCameraRAWOpen = 32
psDICOMOpen = 33
class PsOperatingSystem :
psOS2 = 1
psWindows = 2
class PsOrientation :
psLandscape = 1
psPortrait = 2
class PsOtherPaintingCursors :
psStandardOther = 1
psPreciseOther = 2
class PsPaintingCursors :
psStandard = 1
psPrecise = 2
psBrushsize = 3
class PsPaletteType :
psExact = 1
psMacOSPalette = 2
psWindowsPalett = 3
psWebPalette = 4
psUniform = 5
psLocalPerceptual = 6
psLocalSelective = 7
psLocalAdaptive = 8
psMasterPerceptual = 9
psMasterSelective = 10
psMasterAdaptive = 11
psPreviousPalette = 12
class PsPathKind :
psNormalPath = 1
psClippingPath = 2
psWorkPath = 3
psVectorMask = 4
psTextMask = 5
class PsPDFCompatibilityType :
psPDF1 = 1
psPDF1 = 2
psPDF1 = 3
psPDF1 = 4
class PsPDFEncoding :
psPDFNon = 0
psPDFZip = 1
psPDFPDFZip4Bi = 3
psPDFJPEG2000High = 9
psPDFJPEG2000MED = 11
psPDFJPEG2000LOW = 13
class PsPDFResampleType :
psNoResampl = 0
psPDFAverag = 1
psPDFSubSample = 2
psPDFBicubi = 3
class PsPDFStandardType :
psNoStandar = 0
psPDFX1A200 = 1
psPDFX1A200 = 2
psPDFX3200 = 3
psPDFX32003 = 4
class PsPhotoCDColorSpace :
psRGB8 = 1
psRGB16 = 2
psLab8 = 3
psLab16 = 4
class PsPhotoCDSize :
psMinimumPhotoCD = 1
psSmallPhotoCD = 2
psMediumPhotoCD = 3
psLargePhotoCD = 4
psExtralargePhotoCD = 5
psMaximumPhotoCD = 6
class PsPICTBitsPerPixels :
psPICTTwoBits = 2
psPICTFourBits = 4
psPICTEightBits = 8
psPICTSixteenBits = 16
psPICTThirtyTwoBits = 32
class PsPICTCompression :
psNoPICTCompression = 1
psJPEGMediumPICT = 4
psJPEGHighPICT = 5
psJPEGMaximumPICT = 6
class PsPicturePackageTextType :
psNoText = 1
psUserText = 2
psFilenameText = 3
psCopyrightText = 4
psCaptionText = 5
psCreditText = 6
psOriginText = 7
class PsPointKind :
psSmoothPoint = 1
psCornerPoint = 2
class PsPointType :
psPostScriptPoints = 1
psTraditionalPoints = 2
class PsPolarConversionType :
psRectangularToPolar = 1
psPolarToRectangular = 2
class PsPreviewType :
psNoPreview = 1
psMonochromeTIFF = 2
psEightbitTIFF = 3
class PsPurgeTarget :
psUndoCaches = 1
psHistoryCaches = 2
psClipboardCache = 3
psAllCaches = 4
class PsQueryStateType :
psAlways = 1
psAsk = 2
psNever = 3
class PsRadialBlurMethod :
psSpin = 1
psZoom = 2
class PsRadialBlurQuality :
psRadialBlurDraft = 1
psRadialBlurGood = 2
psRadialBlurBest = 3
class PsRasterizeType :
psTextContents = 1
psShape = 2
psFillContent = 3
psLayerClippingPath = 4
psEntireLayer = 5
psLinkedLayers = 6
class PsReferenceFormType :
psReferenceNameType = 1
psReferenceIndexType = 2
psReferenceIdentifierType = 3
psReferenceOffsetType = 4
psReferenceEnumeratedType = 5
psReferencePropertyType = 6
psReferenceClassType = 7
class PsResampleMethod :
psNoResampling = 1
psNearestNeighbor = 2
psBilinear = 3
psBicubic = 4
psBicubicSharper = 5
psBicubicSmoother = 6
class PsRippleSize :
psSmallRipple = 1
psMediumRipple = 2
psLargeRipple = 3
class PsSaveBehavior :
psNeverSave = 1
psAlwaysSave = 2
psAskWhenSaving = 3
class PsSaveDocumentType :
psPhotoshopSave = 1
psBMPSave = 2
psCompuServeGIFSave = 3
psPhotoshopEPSSave = 4
psJPEGSave = 6
psPCXSave = 7
psPhotoshopPDFSave = 8
psPICTFileFormatSave = 10
psPixarSave = 12
psPNGSave = 13
psRawSave = 14
psScitexCTSave = 15
psTargaSave = 16
psTIFFSave = 17
psPhotoshopDCS_1Save = 18
psPhotoshopDCS_2Save = 19
psAliasPIXSave = 25
psElectricImageSave = 26
psPortableBitmapSave = 27
psWavefrontRLASave = 28
psSGIRGBSave = 29
psSoftImageSave = 30
psWirelessBitmapSave = 31
class PsSaveEncoding :
psBinary = 1
psJPEGLow = 2
psAscii = 3
psJPEGMedium = 4
psJPEGHigh = 5
psJPEGMaximum = 6
class PsSaveLogItemsType :
psMetadata = 1
psLogFile = 2
psLogFileAndMetadata = 3
class PsSaveOptions :
psSaveChanges = 1
psDoNotSaveChanges = 2
psPromptToSaveChanges = 3
class PsSelectionType :
psReplaceSelection = 1
psExtendSelection = 2
psDiminishSelection = 3
psIntersectSelection = 4
class PsShapeOperation :
psShapeAdd = 1
psShapeXOR = 2
psShapeIntersect = 3
psShapeSubtract = 4
class PsSmartBlurMode :
psSmartBlurNormal = 1
psSmartBlurEdgeOnly = 2
psSmartBlurOverlayEdge = 3
class PsSmartBlurQuality :
psSmartBlurLow = 1
psSmartBlurMedium = 2
psSmartBlurHigh = 3
class PsSourceSpaceType :
psDocumentSpace = 1
psProofSpace = 2
class PsSpherizeMode :
psNormalSpherize = 1
psHorizontalSpherize = 2
psVerticalSpherize = 3
class PsStrikeThruType :
psStrikeOff = 1
psStrikeHeight = 2
psStrikeBox = 3
class PsStrokeLocation :
psInsideStroke = 1
psCenterStroke = 2
psOutsideStroke = 3
class PsTargaBitsPerPixels :
psTarga16Bits = 16
psTarga24Bits = 24
psTarga32Bits = 32
class PsTextComposer :
psAdobeSingleLine = 1
psAdobeEveryLine = 2
class PsTextType :
psPointText = 1
psParagraphText = 2
class PsTextureType :
psBlocksTexture = 1
psCanvasTexture = 2
psFrostedTexture = 3
psTinyLensTexture = 4
psTextureFile = 5
class PsTIFFEncodingType :
psNoTIFFCompression = 1
psTiffLZW = 2
psTiffJPEG = 3
psTiffZIP = 4
class PsToolType :
psPencil = 1
psBrush = 2
psEraser = 3
psBackgroundEraser = 4
psCloneStamp = 5
psPatternStamp = 6
psHealingBrush = 7
psHistoryBrush = 8
psArtHistoryBrush = 9
psSmudge = 10
psBlur = 11
psSharpen = 12
psDodge = 13
psBurn = 14
psSponge = 15
psColorReplacementTool = 16
class PsTransitionType :
psBlindsHorizontal = 1
psBlindsVertical = 2
psDissolveTransition = 3
psBoxIn = 4
psBoxOut = 5
psGlitterDown = 6
psGlitterRight = 7
psGlitterRightDown = 8
psNoTransition = 9
psRandom = 10
psSplitHorizontalIn = 11
psSplitHorizontalOut = 12
psSplitVerticalIn = 13
psSplitVerticalOut = 14
psWipeDown = 15
psWipeLleft = 16
psWipeRight = 17
psWipeUp = 18
class PsTrimType :
psTransparentPixels = 0
psTopLeftPixel = 1
psBottomRightPixe = 9
class PsTypeUnits :
psTypePixels = 1
psTypeMM = 4
psTypePoints = 5
class PsUndefinedAreas :
psWrapAround = 1
psRepeatEdgePixels = 2
class PsUnderlineType :
psUnderlineOff = 1
psUnderlineRight = 2
psUnderlineLeft = 3
class PsUnits :
psPixels = 1
psInches = 2
psCM = 3
psMM = 4
psPoints = 5
psPicas = 6
psPercent = 7
class PsUrgency :
psNone = 0
psLow = 1
psTwo = 2
psThree = 3
psFour = 4
psNormal = 5
psSix = 6
psSeven = 7
psHigh = 8
class PsWarpStyle :
psNone = 1
psArc = 2
psArcLower = 3
psArcUpper = 4
psArch = 5
psBulge = 6
psShellLower = 7
psShellUpper = 8
psFlag = 9
psWave = 10
psFish = 11
psRise = 12
psFishEye = 13
psInflate = 14
psSqueeze = 15
psTwist = 16
class PsWaveType :
psSine = 1
psTriangular = 2
psSquare = 3
class PsWhiteBalanceType :
psAsShot = 0
psAuto = 1
psDaylight = 2
psCloudy = 3
psShade = 4
psTungsten = 5
psFluorescent = 6
psFlash = 7
psCustomCameraSettings = 8
class PsZigZagType :
psAroundCenter = 1
psOutFromCenter = 2
psPondRipples = 3
You can use it like this :
import PsConstants
blendMode = PsConstants.PsColorBlendMode.psOverlayBlend
The big Advantage over the win32 method is that your IDE will be able to auto-complete
1 Like
Ooops, my bad. It needs to be this:
import win32com.client as win32
print win32.constants.psRelative
print win32.constants.psSaveAndClose
print win32.constants.psSoftLight
Using nezus’ code to enable Auto Complete is really nice. Definitely going to save this snippet, thanks for posting.
This helped a ton. Thank you both!
If youre using cs 5.5 and would rather not use COM, give the tcp connection a try. One less big binary to maintain and distrubute you can event subscribe to user events