I am trying to write a python script that sets up an image sequence as a backplate for a camera in MotionBuilder 2013.
In MotionBuilder 2014, cameras have a BackGroundTexture property that can be set to a texture that has the Video property set to a FBVideoClipImage I create with my image sequence, and this works great.
In MB 2013 this property does not seem to exist through Python, though it is listed in the Properties window, so I am setting the camera’s BackGroundMedia property to the FBVideoClipImage I created. Once this is set I can see the first frame of the video through the camera, but scrubbing through frames or playing in MotionBuilder I do not see the image sequence playback. Though I can fix this with the GUI. If I double click on the video in the Navigator to open up thumbnail views of it in the VideoSettings tab, the video will jump to what ever frame MotionBuilder is on and it will follow MotionBuilder’s playhead and everything is fixed and works great.
When I double click to open the video through the GUI is it causing some sort of loading or an update to some connections in MotionBuilder that I could call in a script or am I missing a step?
On a side note, using the MotionBuilder 2013 GUI I can see in the Camera’s properties that BackgroundTexture is set to the FBVideoClipImage after I run the commands to connect BackGroundMedia to the video. If I click the “…” button next to this property a pop up appears with the texture tree. I can use this to check off a texture (rather than the video) and if I have a texture connected to the video then the backplate plays properly. I am not sure why this property is only available through the GUI and not accessible through Python though.