So here’s the deal: I have some code that calls FBApplication.LoadAnimationOnCharacter, that works fine. However, if I use QT’s QFileDialog.getOpenFileName before calling the code, I get this error. Note these are the arguments I’m passing in, in order:
<pyfbsdk.FBApplication object at 0x000000003140DF48>
<pyfbsdk.FBCharacter object at 0x0000000028C856D8>
<pyfbsdk.FBFbxOptions object at 0x000000003140DF98>
<pyfbsdk.FBPlotOptions object at 0x0000000031189048>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\depot\games\branches\sandbox\CARBON-ANIMATION-PIPELINE\carbon ools\pipeline\motionbuilder\", line 95, in _OnClick
File "C:\depot\games\branches\sandbox\CARBON-ANIMATION-PIPELINE\carbon ools\pipeline\motionbuilder\", line 67, in LoadCharacterAnimation
animsaveload.LoadAnimationOnCharacter(character, filename)
File "C:\depot\games\branches\sandbox\CARBON-ANIMATION-PIPELINE\carbon ools\pipeline\motionbuilder\", line 25, in LoadAnimationOnCharacter
application.LoadAnimationOnCharacter(filename, character, fbxopts, plotopts)
Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
FBApplication.LoadAnimationOnCharacter(FBApplication, QString, FBCharacter, FBFbxOptions, FBPlotOptions)
did not match C++ signature:
LoadAnimationOnCharacter(class PYFBSDK::FBApplication_Wrapper {lvalue}, char * __ptr64, class PYFBSDK::FBCharacter_Wrapper {lvalue}, class PYFBSDK::FBFbxOptions_Wrapper {lvalue}, class PYFBSDK::FBPlotOptions_Wrapper {lvalue})
I’ve verified multiple times the types match, and this ONLY happens after I do Qt’s QFileDialog.getOpenFileName. I’ve tried sticking shit into globals, del’ing things after I was done with them, etc., to no avail. Any ideas WTF is going on? This is the first bug I’ve run into anywhere that I have no ideas about and no workarounds for (is there another way to open up a file dialog in MoBu?).
Please help because I’m about to lose it.