Python built-in not functioning

I was playing around in maya this morning just tooling with some python built-in functions and I am getting an error using the abs() function. I am trying to get the absolute of a user entered number.
here is my error:

# Error: TypeError: abs() takes no arguments (1 given) # 

here is my code:

 def abs():
    getInter = cmds.textField("absTest", query=True, text=True)
    getInt = int(getInter)
    absInt = abs(getInt)
    cmds.textField("absAnswer", edit=True, text=absInt) 

I have no idea why I am getting this error. the argument I am passing is a integer.

Are you trying to override the built in abs function? The name of your function is the same name as the built in one. If this is what you intended, then you will need to use the “super” syntax described in the following link to call the actual python abs command.

HA, oops, yeah I didnt mean to name my function the same as the built-in …that would explain my problem. I will change the name of MY function. Thank you.