PYQT Download

Trying to download pyqt 4.8.3-1 for python 2.6 64bit, found the link on the site no problem come to download it and big problem.

I’m not sure if its the site or my connection although all other sites are fine so guessing its going to be the site but I cannot download any of the files from the official site. The maximum speed I get is 400B/s, it will take for ever to download at that speed.

Just wondering if anyone knows of an alternative download location, I’ve searched around but I cant seem to find any.


Are you looking to upgrade the version of PyQT that comes with Maya? Does that even work?

PyQt doesn’t come with Maya, but Qt does. As far as I know you can use any PyQt version as long as the Qt libraries against which PyQt has been built matches Maya’s own Qt libraries.

It’s funny because I am able to use a newer PyQt version with Maya 2009 than I’m able to use with 2011 since for some reason the most recent PyQt releases don’t work with 2011 since the Qt dlls don’t load.
On the flip side, Maya 2011 now owns Qt windows and minimizes and maximizes them correctly with the main app :slight_smile:

I downloaded it as I needed to test something to do with a database, but the version I was using which is the one kindly hosted by Nathan unfortunately does not seem to have been compiled against QT with mysql support.

Does anyone know of any pyqt that has been compiled with mysql support?
