EDIT: Sorry for bad thread name, forgot to finish it
I’m having weird problem with one of my scripts, its working on some machines and on some is not.
On some machines it worked in past, but stopped working.
Its basic thumbnailing tool, that makes another viewport inside script window.
cam = modelPanel(getPanel(wf=True), q=True, cam=True)
cam = ls(sl=1)[0]
normalFov = cam.getFocalLength()
w = window("Make thumbnail", width = 250,height=250)
form = formLayout()
editor = modelEditor()
print editor
t = text("Setup viewport for thumbnail")
b1 = button("Make thumbnail", width=90)
b2 = button("Nothing", width=90)
formLayout( form, edit=True,
attachForm=[(t, 'top', 15), (t, 'left', 30), (t, 'right', 30), (editor, 'top', 30), (editor, 'left', 30),(editor, 'bottom', 30),(editor, 'right', 30),(b1, 'bottom', 3), (b1, 'left', 30),(b2, 'bottom', 3), (b2, 'left', 130) ])
modelEditor(editor, e=1, dtx=1, nurbsCurves=1, nurbsSurfaces=1, cameras=1, joints=0, wos=0, deformers=0, locators=0, lights=1, textures=1, handles=0, grid=0, ikHandles=0, hud=0, dimensions=1, displayAppearance="smoothShaded", vs=0, sel=True)
modelEditor(editor, edit=True, camera="perspShape" )
showWindow( w )
Error comes in at line modelEditor(editor, e=1, dtx=1… and reads:
‘Make_thumbnail|formLayout168|modelEditor1’ not found. #
Any ideas what could cause such inconsistency with this script?