So I’m giving PyCharm the old college try because I’m a sucker for peer pressure, and I’m liking it so far, but I’m having an odd issue. Auto-complete is working well on most commands, but for some reason, UI commands like buttons or layouts aren’t working for auto-complete. Also, error and warning aren’t auto-completing for some reason. It’s not a huge deal, but it would be nice if it worked.
Anyone else getting this issue? To be clear, maya.cmds UI commands are working, so it appears to be isolated to pymel.
you have to remove the Python\Lib\site-packages in the Python Interpreters path.
It seems there is a conflict with the pymel\extras\completion\py path…
What’d you use as a setup guide? A post on this site? I remember having a couple issues when I tried last year but maybe it’s time to give it another go
I don’t remember right off, pretty much just did the setting up of mayapy.exe as the interpreter and added the py autocomplete folder pretty similar to the auto-complete setup in eclipse. I haven’t hooked up any kind of send-to feature yet since I’m just starting, but that’s probably the next step. I’ve seen a few threads around this forum on how to do that, but just haven’t felt like tackling it yet because it seems like a bit of a big job (at least bigger than just downloading the component to install like with eclipse) but yeah, might do that soon, because I’m liking the workflow tools in pyCharm.
I think I have the same problem but apparently removing site-packages did not do the trick yet.
I set up mayapy as python interpreter, added the devkit\other\pymel\extras\completion\py path and removed the said python\lib\site-packages path.
Now I do get some commands in the autocompletion (pm.objExists() works) but other commands like button() or polyCube() are for one thing not present in the autocompletion and get marked like this:
Cannot find reference ‘polyCube’ in ‘’ less… (Ctrl+F1)
This inspection detects names that should resolve but don’t. Due to dynamic dispatch and duck typing, this is possible in a limited but useful number of cases. Top-level and class-level items are supported better than instance items.
uh so what am I missing here?
best solution for me so far:
in the program files\maya\devkit\other\pymel\extras\completion\py\pymel folder copy the and rename it to and copy the folder into user.pycharm30\system\python_stubs
Here is my solution.
I’ve noticed that when i go to, PyCharm (version 4.5.4) warns me “File size exceeds configured limit (2560000), code insight features not available”
So i’ve just increased variable idea.max.intellisense.filesize=2500 in “<PYCHARM_INSTALL_PATH>\bin\” from 2500 to 25000 and pymel auto-complete became working.
[QUOTE=Fixxxer;29068]Here is my solution.
I’ve noticed that when i go to, PyCharm (version 4.5.4) warns me “File size exceeds configured limit (2560000), code insight features not available”
So i’ve just increased variable idea.max.intellisense.filesize=2500 in “<PYCHARM_INSTALL_PATH>\bin\” from 2500 to 25000 and pymel auto-complete became working.[/QUOTE]
Ya you have to do this, the auto-complete files for PyMel are just supplied in a few huge classes full of definitions, and the file size of it exceeds the size for PyCharm by default. So as a result it doesn’t read the whole file and some UI commands and some NodeTypes get left out of the intellisense.
Increasing the number defined in idea.max.intellisense.filesize in the will fix this, and should not cause any issue on a modern system with lots of ram.