[PyMel][Maya 2013] Odd setMatrix() behavior on transforms

Has anyone else experienced the following odd behavior with the pymel.core.nodetypes.Transform.setMatrix() method? It seems to me that if a node has zero input/output connections, and you augment the matrix attribute, the node will not properly redraw until Maya refreshes the viewport. This feels like a bug to me…

Take the following code:

import pymel.core as pm
import random

# start in a clean workspace

# ------------------------------------------------------
# From here on out, execute one line at a time in the 
# script editor (highlight line -> ctl + enter)
# *** Do not move or click in the viewport until all
# code has been executed ***
# ------------------------------------------------------

# Create two transforms, one as source the other as target
src = pm.spaceLocator(name='sourceNode')
tgt = pm.createNode('joint', name='targetNode', parent=None)

# define the attrs to adjust
attrs = ['rotateX', 'rotateY', 'rotateZ', 'translateX', 'translateY', 'translateZ']

# randomly relocate the source object (execute this entire block together)
for attr in attrs:
    a = '%s.%s' % (tgt, attr)
    pm.setAttr(a, random.randrange(0, 10, 1))

# frame our nodes

# grab the new world matrix of our source object
wMatrix = tgt.getMatrix(worldSpace=True)

# set our source node to align to the target
src.setMatrix(wMatrix, worldSpace=True)

# Our 'repositioned' object still draws at the origin
# Querying the newly set matrix does not return identity (meaning it's been set)
print src.getMatrix(worldSpace=True)

# Seems like the setMatrix command isn't forcing re-evalation..

# delete sourceNode and target node and:
# - repeat same code line by line, clicking in the viewport instead of refreshing
# - repeat same code executing all but refresh command at once

I would expect the same behavior as calling, say:

# set a single 'standard' attribute

# notice the viewport redraws to reflect attribute change


EDIT: Duplicate thread posted on the Area as suggested by Autodesk Support

Transform setting has all sorts of problems. Too many to keep track of, especially as years change. We’ve ended up writing some extensively tested custom functions for setting/getting transforms from matrices, and setting a rotation based on a quaternion (which also has problems). I hate to reinvent the wheel but it’s better than riding on what Autodesk gives us.