Has anyone else experienced the following odd behavior with the pymel.core.nodetypes.Transform.setMatrix() method? It seems to me that if a node has zero input/output connections, and you augment the matrix attribute, the node will not properly redraw until Maya refreshes the viewport. This feels like a bug to me…
Take the following code:
import pymel.core as pm
import random
# start in a clean workspace
# ------------------------------------------------------
# From here on out, execute one line at a time in the
# script editor (highlight line -> ctl + enter)
# *** Do not move or click in the viewport until all
# code has been executed ***
# ------------------------------------------------------
# Create two transforms, one as source the other as target
src = pm.spaceLocator(name='sourceNode')
tgt = pm.createNode('joint', name='targetNode', parent=None)
# define the attrs to adjust
attrs = ['rotateX', 'rotateY', 'rotateZ', 'translateX', 'translateY', 'translateZ']
# randomly relocate the source object (execute this entire block together)
for attr in attrs:
a = '%s.%s' % (tgt, attr)
pm.setAttr(a, random.randrange(0, 10, 1))
# frame our nodes
# grab the new world matrix of our source object
wMatrix = tgt.getMatrix(worldSpace=True)
# set our source node to align to the target
src.setMatrix(wMatrix, worldSpace=True)
# Our 'repositioned' object still draws at the origin
# Querying the newly set matrix does not return identity (meaning it's been set)
print src.getMatrix(worldSpace=True)
# Seems like the setMatrix command isn't forcing re-evalation..
# delete sourceNode and target node and:
# - repeat same code line by line, clicking in the viewport instead of refreshing
# - repeat same code executing all but refresh command at once
I would expect the same behavior as calling, say:
# set a single 'standard' attribute
# notice the viewport redraws to reflect attribute change
EDIT: Duplicate thread posted on the Area as suggested by Autodesk Support