Is there a way i can get the radius of a sphere, in oop way?
This is a simple example which doesn’t work for me:
import pymel.core as pm
x = pm.polySphere(n=“MyFirstSphere”,r=5);
y = x[0];;
print z;
r = pm.polySphere( ‘MyFirstSphere’, q=True, r=True );
print r;
a = y.radius.get()
print a;
In the above,
a)r = pm.polySphere(‘MyFirstSphere’, q=True, r = True);
works just fine.
b)“y.radius.get()” doesn’t seem to work.
And what i want, is to get the radius in an oop way…
from quickly searching in the pymel documentation, this is what i found
This flag specifies the radius of the sphere. C: Default is 0.5. Q: When queried, this flag returns a float.
Derived from mel command maya.cmds.polySphere
so perhaps just calling ‘a = y.getRadius()’ will do the trick?
EDIT: Seems like i was wrong
EDIT2: your problem is here ‘y = x[0]’ this is the transform node, not the shape… the radius comes from the shape and not the transform node, so if you do ‘y=x[1]’: great success!
You need to check the nodeType that’s returned by pymel. As already mentioned the polySphere command gives you back a list, [nt.transform, nt.polysphere] so yes, y[1].radius.get() works as it’s operating on the nt.polyshere. Similarly if you select the node in the outliner and do
that’ll return the radius as the select command in this case returns the nt.polySphere.