Pymel and Eclipse with Maya 2016 autocomplete problem

Hey guys,

Is anyone working with Pymel and Eclipse in Maya 2016? I have been working with Pymel and Eclipse for a while using 2013, 2014, and 2015 but now after updating to 2016 it seems my autocomplete has stopped working. It seems like Autodesk possibly moved some stuff around that made some of the setup tutorials out there obsolete in parts. I noticed there is no longer anything in the Maya 2016 devkit folder (C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2016\devkit). Any advice from someone who has it working would be awesome. Thanks.

Well, it seems it wasn’t that hard after all and I just did everything but the correct solution before posting here. If anyone else is having this issue, I seemed to have fixed it by downloading the devkit from Autodesk and placing it in my devkit folder. Then it was as simple as adding the ‘C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2016\devkit\devkitBase\devkit\other\pymel\extras\completion\pypredef’ folder in the Predefined tab for the mayapy.exe interpreter. I didn’t realize the devkit was a seperate download as of 2016 so good to know for the future.