Puppetshop now FREE!?


Is Lumonix not going to continue development on Puppetshop anymore? I’m just curious about the future of the product if there is one.

The future is bright, no worries.

It was a free plugin many years ago and it is free once again.
I’ve never stopped supporting it, and won’t for as long as I can manage.

The ONLY difference is the price, nothing else.

That is beyond cool. I pointed all of the animators at my studio towards it. We’re in pre-pro right now and their pipeline is being shaped up, so hopefully they’ll find it useful.

Adrian, if your animators have ANY questions or reservations about PS, please do not hesitate to ask for any sort of in-person demonstration. Of course this would be pro-bono and unofficial, as I don’t think work would be too hot with demoing someone else’s product to another company, but showing a bunch of friends an awesome tool, well…

I’m going to make a post this weekend on the subject of timidity and spoon-feeding amongst people in our field in regards to trying new softwares, and I’d absolutely, positively encourage you to go the PS route. Again, absolutely anything I can do to persuade your art/animation team, I will. You have no excuse with power users of it right in town!

Awesome. Tomorrow I’m going to have a chat with our Art Director and get back with you on it.

This is great to hear…

Is the reason for this step, that CAT being subscription benefit on the ADESK side or is that just by coincidence ?

Well Puppetshop was once a free tool, then stuff happened (I got sued for example), then a year later I was able to release it again and decided to charge a ‘small’ fee.

Then I heard Autodesk bought XSI and got cat on the side with the deal.

So ever since then I’ve been preparing to release Puppetshop for free, though I made the final decision when I read Autodesk was going to release cat to subscription members.

Usually when a certain plugin gets added to max for free, all other plugins in that category slowly die, i.e. cloth, fur, particles etc. They probably still see some sales, but no doubt it will have really slowed down.

Since I don’t care so much about making a lot of money of Puppetshop, I’d rather have people use Puppetshop for free and see that it is used, rather then make a few bucks and have it mostly sit there and die.

So there it is, its free for anybody who cares to try it out.
My server is slowly dying, I’ve had 1000+ downloads in less then 12 hours, so I guess people like the idea :slight_smile:

Awesome stuff, kees! Thanks a lot, really helpful!

Wow, thanks a lot!

Thank you very much! That’s very generous.

You are welcome, guys.
Hopefully you’ll enjoy it.

To following through Rob, I talked to our Lead Animator and he is pretty content with Biped for our purposes. Maybe in the future if we try to do anything crazier than what we’re doing Puppetshop will fit our needs. I do know a couple of guys who are playing around with it at BLS now.

Once again Kees, thanks a bunch for an amazing tool!


Heya, Kees,

it’s been some time. :slight_smile: But I have to ask, is Puppetshop still available for free? I just went to your site and it says “BUY”, nothing else.

Just checking. Thank you!

Sweeeet :D:

[QUOTE=loocas;10871]Heya, Kees,

it’s been some time. :slight_smile: But I have to ask, is Puppetshop still available for free? I just went to your site and it says “BUY”, nothing else.

Just checking. Thank you![/QUOTE]

Hey Loocas!

I just did a double take on the site, and it looks like there is a download button in the center-bottom of the page. It’s the zip file! :): Now it also has the option to buy it… which raises the questions… Is it only free for private use? How are the licenses setup? Is there a terms of use document we can locate? These are things I’d love to know!


PuppetShop is free for commercial use. It has always been free for private use.