Problem with animation in Unity's Mecanim

Hey all, new guy here with a bit a of a problem. I’m hoping someone might be able to help me with it.

I made an animation in Maya where rotateY on all finger joints has animation. This animation is then baked in Maya and plays back fine.

When this animation is imported in Unity, there is no animation on the upper joints in the fingers. You can see the problem in the following movie:


The avatar is also set up correctly, all joints are recognized as seen here:

So right now I’m at a loss as to why the joints are not rotating while they have animation and are configured correctly in the avatar.

Any help is appreciated.

In Unity what is the Character Animation Type?
Is it Humanoid or Generic?

Because when I had a baked animation that was humanoid like
but did not fit with the humanoid profile it did odd things with
my animations as well. When I changed it to generic it worked fine.

I also made the mistake of having multiple animations files imported
with different animation type than the base character model.

Both altered my animations from the original.

If those are not it, aside from checking the
imported bind pose I am not sure what it could be.

Hope that help.