Greetings everyone!Long time havn’t met here,hope u guys r going smoothly.
I’ve engaged a problem.Actually this solid problem troubled me for a long time:
I use the Maya reference as the base of my animation workflow.Everything goes smoothly and efficient except the broken link of the shaders.:curses: The models apear as only wireframe.
sometimes this problem occur,and i could reassign the shader back to the model.But sometimes i even couldn’t assign any shaders to the model witch lost the shading-link.I tried to fix it through a (really) heavy job in the Hypergraph and connection editor,sometimes it works.:sigh:I’ve checked the help docs and scanned the maya files carefully,but still have no idea why it happens.
My file structure could be discribed as below:
Animation file --(reference)–> Rig files --(reference)–> Model files.
All the Model files has no render layer and history,only some display layers.So do the Rig files too.And i can ensure there’s no namespace conflict.
I guess some or many of u people r using such kind of pipeline.So any suggestions will be really appreciatful.:nod::nod: