Perpetual loop

Hello all!

I’ve started encountering an error in max that i was hoping someone may be able to shed some light on.

I started working on some scripts to rename CAT rigs, and in the process discovered that there is some scripted process running in the background as my scripts stopped evaluating properly. I’d hit the escape button and get the familiar ** interrupted ** error. this happened a few times so, I shut down max and restarted to clear out the cache. Funny thing is when i restarted, loaded a file and hit escape in the listener, i get the same ** interrupted ** error.

I’ve gone so far as to reinstall max completely, and I’m still getting this error. I’ve no idea where it could be coming from.

Any ideas out there?



Wait, what? I’ve never seen anything like that- the only time I get that ‘interrupted’ message is like you said, pressing ‘escape’ in the listener window. Can you repro it on any other machine?

I get the same results as Rob. Also, just after Max starts and I press esc it does prints ** interrupted **.

It also prints ** interrupted ** if you press esc after any command you type in the listener. If you do just print “bla” or (print “bla”) and press esc afterwards it also prints ** interrupted **. It also prints two “bla”, which I’ve never investigated much why…

I’ve tried a few different things now, and here’s what I’ve discovered:

This issue doesn’t really stop me from running scripts, it just doesn’t let me use the Listener as an iterative tool.

It is a script that is run on startup, as I can open max from a reboot into a new blank scene, immediately go into the listener, hit ‘Escape’ and the ** interrupted ** error comes up.

It seems like it has something to do with some event handler that is called on left mouse click, as I can move the camera around (with middle mouse) all I want, I can go into as many right click menus as I want, and the error will not appear on escape press, but as soon as I use the left mouse button for any action aside from just clicking, go back to the listener, hit escape, the error comes up again

I thought, since it seems to happen on startup, I should delete all my config files, and let max go back to default. while I was there I removed all my macroscripts and such. Basically, I removed anything in the AppData/Autodesk file. Now when I right click i get a DotNet ‘Unhandled Exceptions’ Error, then a bunch of code I’m not quite sure if is related (as I did delete all the config files) I’ve been given this error before deleting the files, so I suspect it is the culprit. Can anyone decipher this for me?

System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException: External component has thrown an exception.
   at Array.[](Array* , Int32 )
   at MXS_dotNet.DotNetObjectWrapper.RunEventHandlers(DotNetObjectWrapper* , Value* target, Value* eventName, Array* handlers, Object[] delegateArgsArray)
   at MXS_dotNet.DotNetObjectWrapper.ProcessEvent(DotNetObjectWrapper* , String eventName, Object delegateArgs)
   at Tick(delegate_proxy_type , Object , EventArgs )
   at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.OnTick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.TimerNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

Sorry to use you guys as tech support. In most cases I would blow away the whole program and reinstall, but as i’ve already tried that, I’m kinda up the creek.



Reinstall .NET framework.