Parameter wiring won't work with loaded animation

I’m trying to build a script to load animations in from one file to another, and I’ve been working with the Load/Save animation system max has, but I’ve run into a problem.

I’ve a face with a bunch controls wired to the bone, a-la ‘Stop Staring’, and I have a bunch of animations from previous rigs that need to be moved to the newest version.

When I export the animated controls to a XAF file, and import them into the new rig, the controls in the new rig animate as they should, but the parameter wiring does not follow. So all these controls do nothing, even though they are animating.

Anyone have an idea why this would happen?


Do the controls work prior to loading the animation? As in, you’re sure it’s the process of loading the animation that is breaking/disconnecting the wires?

yeah, the channels are working fine before, and even after i’ve loaded the animation, it just isn’t passing any information to the wired parameters, so the bones don’t move.

I built the map so that it would transfer keys from the one Y position:Bezier Float to the same control in the new rig, and the keys show up, they are on the curve editor, and the control moves as expected, but the bone wired to it wonty move with the animation.

bug maybe? or perhaps i set up my wired parameters incorrectly.

nevermind. i figured out the problem.
it’s an ID-10-T error. We’re using CAT, and the CAT bones won’t animate unless a layer is created and activated, so i needed to do that after importing the animation. :curses:

thanks for the help though, Jay.

BTW, i’ve worked with some Image Metrics rigs before, you guys are awesome!


Ahh, right on, glad you figured it out. And thanks!