Hey there,
I represent an in-progress indie project and I’m looking to shell out a bit of cash to get it rolling. I’m not looking to pay much, and this is mainly just for artists who want something on their portfolio or just want to help us out. I’m currently looking for Concept or 3D artists. You maintain all ownership of the art and are welcome to put it on a resume or portfolio. I’m talking like $5-$20 here, so I realize that’s extremely low and I don’t expect much, but like I said, this is mainly just for those who are going to do art anyway and its an extra $10 for doing what you were going to be doing anyway. I understand this amount of money is ridiculous for a quality model, but I figure maybe there is some out there who have absolutely nothing to do, not to mention, you’ll be contributing to a quality project.
What you model is partially up to you. We have a few concepts of characters and boss creatures we need, or you can stick entirely to environments and environmental assets. The style is based only on technology. It is a sci-fi type game, so futuristic, lots of mechanical parts, etc. (Character concepts can be viewed on our website). Just contact me and we’ll see if we can’t get something worked out. I don’t want you doing something you won’t enjoy doing, so I’m very flexible.
So if anyone is looking to make a quick $10 or so, feel free to contact me through e-mail or MSN at Chandler-T@hotmail.com.
As always, I’m also open to volunteers that want to help out with the actual project. We have a pretty interesting concept and would provide some great experience for any budding concept artist or 3D artist who wants a released title on their resume. The website link is listed below.
As a favor to those that do help out, I’m also offering a spot on our meet the team page where I’ll list you as a freelance artist, advertising your page. You can see what that looks like on our website under our “Meet the Team” page where I’ve listed three of the artists that have done work for us at the bottom.
Our information thread can be viewed here: Troubleshoot: Multiplayer Co-operative Shooter Seeks Talented Individuals - GameDev.Net Discussion Forums
Website: Troubleshoot
E-mail contact: Chandler-T@hotmail.com
MSN: Chandler-T@hotmail.com
AIM: ChandlerLT2