Overwrite Copy command when getting out from terminal

Pardon me if this is slightly off-topic but I need help.

I am trying to get my python script to to work in a linux terminal by grabbing the output such that the output results ‘overwrites’ the copy command (ctrl+c).
Currently while I am able to get this to work by opening a maya session but as soon as I tried running python run_script.py in the terminal console, I got the following error:

QApplication: Must construct a QApplication before accessing a QClipboard
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "get_pending_status_files_modi.py", line 10, in <module>
    cb.clear(mode=cb.Clipboard )
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'clear'

This is the code of my script:

def main():
    data_list = ['this-is-a-test', 'for-learning', 'purposes-only']
    connect_result = '|'.join(data_list)
    output = '{0}{1}{2}'.format('(', connect_result, ')')
    print output
    cb.setText(output, mode=cb.Clipboard)


Though this is a small example, but I am using this for large amount of values in the data_list, and hence I want to know if there are any other ways that I can make use of?
By the way, I am unable to install any other libraries as I am using my office’s computer but I am in linux env, some of the methods online, using of xsel, xclip or pyperclip does not work for me, unfortunately…

I’m going to assume that QApplication and QClipboard are classes from the QT framework. Your script, when run directly, is complaining that you are trying to access the QClipboard class from QT without going through all of the necessary steps to set up a QT based application and start its app loop. It works for you in Maya because Maya uses QT for its UI framework and therefore has a proper QApplication constructed and initialized in Maya’s Python interpreter.