Hey all, so as some of you might know i’ve taken up the dark art of podcasting. Just want to put out an invite to anyone who wants to come on and talk about games and other game related stuff. We usually record sundays at 1 PST via Skype, so if you’re interested, let me know. It’s nothing serious, just for fun and to talk about games.
sounds sweet. I’ll jump in when I can find time. thanks!
Sounds like fun once work is a little less hectic for me. :D:
Awesome guys! Yeah its definitely not a scheduling issue with us at all, i mean that’s the point right? hehe, whenever you guys have time, send me a ping if there’s a certain week that works for you and we’ll have you on. Tell your friends too!:D:
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Right on! count me in, I’ll just have to get up @ 5am on Mondays to catch you guys.
[QUOTE=DrBob;3769]Right on! count me in, I’ll just have to get up @ 5am on Mondays to catch you guys.
Well if you’re really interested we could work something out for sure, would definitely be fun:):
Sounds fun count me in :):
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