I wholly disagree and I think you are making a detrimental generalization here. There are a number of factors at play here:
First, what you are demanding artists who have no desire to be technical, to be technical, as a bare minimum requirement- this is a really bad thing to do. You are not teaching ‘good’ practices, you are teaching ‘some’ practices which happen to be ‘good’ for your pipeline but which should really be irrelevant or automatically handled.
First of all I was generalising, because I’m a generalist
I’m talking about teaching all technical aspects of games and good practices that do translate to working for any company. Ok our naming convention may not be the same as other companies, but the fact there is one and it works well should rub off on the artist. Here I should also point out that the main reason for our names are readiblity and make it easy for anyone on the team to locate and understand what it is quickly.
Second, you are equating ‘technical’ with ‘procedural’, which it is completely not. The artists that learn the procedures aren’t becoming technical, they are learning procedures. There is nothing that translates into technical ability by making sure your files are named correctly. We aren’t technical artists because we are diligent filekeepers in this sense, it is because we understand and design the underlying logic requiring those procedures. Understanding this has absolutely no benefit to the artist and is useless- no, truly detrimental- information, because of the next point.
You wouldnt want artists to make filenames:
keeping readable by everyone
concise filenames
legal with all file systems
Using Pre,Pos Fixes “_” etc.
Not using Spaces
they would not benifit by using these practices? Maybe you wouldnt consider these technical?
Third, you are tying your pipeline to trained knowledge on a very large and difficult scale. When you build a system and then require artists to learn that system, you are making a huge investment into that particular system and it is not open to change. It is extremely difficult to change that pipeline, because it is not changing code- it is retraining people AND changing code. A better pipe will remove the ‘people’ part of the equation entirely.
I’ve not had any problems with people picking up our pipeline. I think to some extent we may of removed the people but it would be hard to know how it compares to you’re ideal.
Actually, mikie, this is exactly what I run into when I talk to our Lead Char Artist- he was a large designer of our dynamic pipeline, and it sucks (I described it at GDC as a ‘clusterfuck of naming conventions’). When stuff is misnamed, he grumbles and blames people 6000 miles away for not following proper conventions and that people can’t check their work- then proceeds to fix it, often with mistakes. Really the issue is that he is asking an absurd and completely unnecessary task of artists- this needs to be handled automatically, pipeline things just need to be handled automatically, or you are always going to get these problems. I make them, he makes them, you make them; the only thing that won’t make human errors is good code, which once it works always works.
Naming conventions don’t have to be anything to do with wether the pipline works or not.
One thing, even though I have worked in games for a good while and at a few places I dont think I know what the current state of other piplines are compared to the one I work with. I don’t know if we are ahead or behind, I wish there were a few detailed examples that I could use to compare.