Hey guys I’m still very new at Mel however i have a quick question I was hoping you guys could answer.
currently i have an example script which is
string $window = window
rowLayout -numberOfColumns 2;
intFieldGrp -l “Min” ;
intFieldGrp -l “Max” ;
showWindow $window;
It works fine but the spacing between the two intFieldGrp are too far away.
so i tried adding a -cw to control the width but it breaks my script I’m hoping you guys could help me out
(script with -cw broken)
string $window = window
rowLayout -numberOfColumns 2;
intFieldGrp -l “Min” –e –cw 1 50 –cw 2 150 maxFieldGrpControl2;
intFieldGrp -l “Max” –e –cw 1 50 –cw 2 150 `maxFieldGrpControl2;
showWindow $window;
thanks for the look and hopefully you guys could help me out! :):