New Tool for Max to Source Game Engine Pipeline

I wanted to introduce myself to this community with my first major MAXScript project: I built the Wall Worm Model Tools to speed up the process of sending models and textures from 3ds Max to the Source Game Engine.

You no longer have to work with text files to get your props and model textures into Source. For most props this tool will be all your need. For more advanced models, you can use the tool to build the base QC (text) file that the compiler needs.

I’ve still got the tool in Beta as I have a couple loose ends to tidy up, but it is now ready for use in production.

Here are some videos demonstrating the tool in action:

Export model and textures in a couple minutes:


Generate LODs


General Overview (older version but a good demonstration)


I hope some of you here find the tool handy. Feel free to share any feedback.

Final beta version out today: 0.991. UI updates and new features. See the changelog.

Now updated to Version 1.2 . Here’s the full changelog: WWMT Changelog