Multi character, high quality rig that fits all


Im doing research on a subject that is quite hard I think. I will be building a multi character cinematic rig that needs to fit 7 stylized characters. The deadline for building the rig is very short (about 7days) and it has to be flexible in terms of fitting different proportions of each character body and possibly face with all their accessories and whatsoever.

Im looking for a solution to build this if its possible at all, any advice or links highly wanted.


Why not use an existing auto rigger? Because that’s what you’ll probably end up building anyway.

Never used one, not sure how it would work in production,always relied on my own skill to troubleshoot things like that. Also dont know if it would solve the multiple character issue.

It should, the main goal of an auto rigger is to enforce a standard in your rigging. If all rigs follow the same conventions it should be relatively easy to load data from one character to another. You didn’t mention what software you used, but many riggers are available. I would rather invest in finding a good autorigger and be able to reiterate on my rigs fast than going in and on day 4 come to the conclusion I made a wrong turn somewhere, and then be stuck. If you have to do 7 rigs in 7 days without any form of automation, you’d better not slip up, right!? So either build your own automation scripts or use someone else’s. There’s loads of smart people out there that share their tools for free, it’s awesome! :wink:

I wish you good luck!

hmm okay, thanks for your input! Im using maya, I can build rigs fairly fast, but not one per day lol so there is no time for slip ups. Im no scripter either, the most scripting I can do is automate some repetitive tasks, but building my own system would be out of question as I dont have enough skill for it. Im going to have a look at some autorigging solutions, do you have anything in mind I could try? Doesnt matter if its free or not as long as it can produce a top quality rig (stretch, squash,IK/FK, smart feet rolls, compound fingers and preferably some facial rig, but I will probably do facial rig myself) and is flexible enough for many characters.
