MSPM - MaxScript Project Manager

MaxScript Project Manager is a tool for MaxScript Developers.
MSPM will assist in creating, developing and publishing projects.
This way the developer only needs to think about developing his tool and nothing else.

The biggest advantage of this tool is the ability to create a ready-to-go mzp within seconds. This with a solid customizable installer-template.

Every created mzp-installer is ‘MaxScript Manager’ compatible. (norman3D), this gives the ability to make your users aware if there are any new updates for your tool.

You can download MSPM here:

(more information and video tutorials coming soon)

Nice to see you finally released it ^^
Congratz man, I am going to use it right now.

This looks great… just delving into it.

Should the install create icons in the toolbar? I noticed that it didn’t do that, but it did autostart when dragging it into max (2010 sp1)

If you:

  1. create a new folder
  2. select the default name, and rename it
  3. then right click on the folder and create a new script – it silently fails.

The script appears to try and place it into the original named directory.

hey jasonB,

when installing MSPM it indeed just start MSPM and adds the macroscripts. You can find them back in the customize “category: MaxScriptProjectManager”
You think it s interesting to autoadd icons in the toolbar?

I still have to improve the renaming system. The dotnet Treeview renaming functionality always does strange stuff and does not feel user friendly, I think in the new version I will just do the renaming with a rollout pop-up window so it will be more stable.

Your system is really clean :slight_smile:

I love that you provided the code unencrypted. Thank you for that – its always interesting to see how other people write their tools.

I’ve never been successful at auto-populating the icons in the toolbar. :slight_smile: – if you had I would have liked to know how you did it.

thanks, yeah I also learned so much from other scripts that way so I promote it.

for the auto-populating-Icon : I know a guy who knows a guy :smiley:
Well in this project I worked together with Norman3D for making it “maxscriptManager” compatible.

His tool contains that functionality. His code is also open source so you sould check it out.
And perfect to start making your tools upgrade friendly combined with his application :slight_smile:

This very useful. My main problem with MXS deployment/ecosystem was that we never had a clean way to manage common libraries or dependencies (ala python’s easy_install, or .net’s nuget, or ruby’s thing whatever it’s called, etc.). Managing a project like this is clean, but leaves what in my mind is a pretty glaring and significant issue of managing the relationships between code and projects, and not just a group of individual projects. I coded up something once but never had the energy to put the support behind it it’d need- actually the main challenges are educating the community of technical artists who don’t understand the value in creating common libraries, and their very mediocre skills that tend to make pretty unusable code.

Anyway, we all gotta start somewhere, and I hope you can build some users behind this and give them a sorely needed education about the uses of script management, and maybe tackle some of these larger ecosystem issues in the future. Good job.

Thanks Rob, it is hard to get it launched at the moment and I am not receiving any solid feedback unfortunately besides some people.

But I am still developing on it, since it helps me to build faster and better tools keeps me motivated.

I am trying to make a solid template for a project that I will add to MSPM once finished so that people can use it as a base. But each scripter has like his own way of handling things in MaxScript so I think it will be impossible to make the “perfect” template.

@JasonB : auto-populating the icons in the toolbar will be placed in the next release :slight_smile: I was able to find it out how it works thanks to Norman3D : MaxScriptManager!

[QUOTE=svennovich;11874]@JasonB : auto-populating the icons in the toolbar will be placed in the next release :slight_smile: I was able to find it out how it works thanks to Norman3D : MaxScriptManager![/QUOTE]

That’s awesome news. I look forward to the next release!