MPolygons/ Second calculation?

We’re working on a game and our art department jsut got the technical specs of the target device… There’s the polygon fillrate announced as 8 MPoly/s.
So, does anyone know how to decypher this and get a reasonable polygon limit for each scene to be shown at minimum 30fps at 400*240 resolution?

[QUOTE=Vincentez;3801]We’re working on a game and our art department jsut got the technical specs of the target device… There’s the polygon fillrate announced as 8 MPoly/s.
So, does anyone know how to decypher this and get a reasonable polygon limit for each scene to be shown at minimum 30fps at 400*240 resolution?[/QUOTE]

It does not mean much as the will be theoretical rates, these might be tiny polys unshaded. If you can tell us the platform that would help, and if you can’t tell us that, tell us if its fixed pipeline or shader based, the type of graphics chip use. anything like that.

Id say with unknown hardware you would have to do some tests to get an idea of real world values.

Sounds like the it could be the Samsung Omnia i900 with those specs?

but yeah, no chance without full hardware specs.


I can’t tell anything about the target device, but I got the problem solved :slight_smile: Thank you anyway.
But now I have a more generic shader-question:
Is it possible to render the z-depth pass separately in OpenGL ES 1.1 and use it in a post process effect to modify the scenes’s color saturation, contrast, lightness and such?
If it is possible, could someone please point me to the right direction on how o get started with it?

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vincent, the best you can do with ES 1.1 is probably a linear texgen using the eye.z as texturecoordinate for a custom ramp texture that encodes the distance values.

but you will have only 8-bit precision here, but probaly enough for a small screen