MG_tools pro and Lite released! Free download

Hello everyone !
I have just released my plugin bundles , they are called MG_tools pro and lite.
Those bundles holdsa series of custom nodes that can be uses to speed up workflow and rig performance aswell!.
Those custom nodes can be really usefull also for animators and developers.

The only difference from the lite and pro is that the pro version has more nodes for which source code has not been released.
Both bundles are complitely free to download and comes with 90% of source code aswell!

Bundles are downloadable in several places :
My website :

creative crash :


Per maggiori informazioni sui nodi potete trovare svariati video a riguardo sul channel vimeo :

Nodes are documented in order to make their use easier to use doc can be found here :

List of nodes in the V1.1:

MG_toolsLite content :

  • MG_nurbsRivet (MTypeId(0x80000));
  • MG_polyRivet(MTypeId(0x80001));
  • MG_jiggleVector (MTypeId(0x80002));
  • MG_vector (MTypeId(0x80003));
  • MG_trigonometry (MTypeId(0x80004));
  • MG_poseReader (MTypeId(0x80005));
  • MG_splinePath (MTypeId(0x80006));
  • MG_vectorGL (MTypeId(0x80007));
  • MG_dotProduct (MTypeId(0x80008));
  • MG_crossProduct (MTypeId(0x80009));
  • MG_cacheValue (MTypeId(0x80010));
  • MG_curve (MTypeId(0x80011));

MG_toolsLite V 1.1 available compiled versions :

windows :

  • maya2013x64
    osx : None
    linux : None

MG_toolsPro content :

MG_toolsPro V1.1 available compiled versions :

windows : - maya2013x64
osx : None
linux : None

Project is still young and the community can do a lot to make it grow!
For example with feedbacks bug reportings ,comment , critique , wrap scripts to hook up the nodes quickly and so on.
Every help is more then welcome and you will get credits for it.

I am already working on next release with many ugrades and new nodes.
Of course the bigger the response from the communitiy the more the project will grow so I hope many people will help and share the project.

and now Have fun!