Currently, I’m removing the namespaces from a string and storing the new string in a variable. I’m using the substitute command and replacing the unwanted string with an empty string to delete it. It works fine when I ctrl+enter the selected code, but when I try to make a UI and put the code inside a function, I get errors.
I’m wondering if anyone knows a fix for using substitute with an empty string inside a function, or can suggest a better way of removing namespaces from a string (not actually removing them, just storing a non-namespaced object name in a variable so I can execute a code). I’ve never used Python in a MEL script, but I’d be up for it (it deals with strings a lot better). I’ve been coding heavily for about 8 months now, so I’m pretty new- any tips would be appreciated.
When the following code is executed by calling the global proc, functionScript, I get this error:
// Error: line 99: Invalid call to “substitute”. Check number and types of arguments expected by the procedure. //
// Error: line 1: Invalid call to “substitute”. Check number and types of arguments expected by the procedure. //
global proc functionScript()
/*** Export: get the character's name from the namespace. Remove the string "_rig:*" from it so it can be exported to the proper directory ***/
// List the keyword objects and their namespace
$exportCharNS = `ls -sns "*:*GEO*"`;
// Take the 2nd item in the list (this is the full name space)
$exportCharFullNS = $exportCharNS[1];
// Remove "_rig:*" namespace
string $remove_rigName = "_rig:*";
string $exportCharDir = `substitute $remove_rigName $exportCharFullNS ""`; // THIS IS THE PROBLEM LINE //
// Select sets then export
select -r -ne shader_relationships;
select -tgl -ne shader_list_set;
file -force -options "v=0;" -typ "mayaBinary" -pr -es ("exampleDir" + $exportCharDir + "/textures/" + $exportCharDir + "_master_shaders.mb");
select -cl;
Again, it works no problem when I ctrl+enter the script, but when I run the function it breaks. Thanks for any help!