I just got Rob Galanakis’ book Practical Maya Programming with Python.
I got stopped here at the first chapter though.
running mayapy.exe
>>> import maya.standalone
>>> maya.standalone.initialize()
>>> import pymel.core as pmc
when I run the import pymel.core line I get this error:
Warning: file : C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/scripts/startup/initialStartup.mel line 192: Y-Axis is already the Up-axis
pymel.internal.startup : ERROR : could not perform Maya initialization sequence: failed on namedCommandSetup.mel: Error occurred during execution of MEL script
I’m on Windows 7 and this happens for both Maya 2013 and 2014.
I don’t really get what’s wrong. The script it’s talking about is in there but I don’t know where it’s breaking at. I don’t think it’s even a script I should be changing right?