I’m not rigger per say, but I’m trying to figure out why our character rig doesn’t work well when we switched from Maya 2012 to 2015.
Funny thing is that it works in Legacy Viewport, but is problematic in Viewport 2.0. Joints and geometry drifts away from control rig when moving through timeline. If I grab control rig again and move it by any value, it snaps back on there.
Did anyone have any problems using 2.0 viewport already?
I had this kind of issues with a playblast tool where rigged characters where badly evaluated. If I remember, it is the DG evaluation which is not updating correctly.
You could try dgdirty command to see if it is your problem.
As I had a custom plugin which doesn’t support this command, I found that if I could put a smooth node on every characters with 0 division, it forces viewport 2.0 to evaluate the rig…
hope it can help you.
PS : I think there is no link between maya 20xx version, I had this issue on maya 2013 or 2014
We’ve avoided Viewport 2.0 for a long time due to various issues like this, but Autodesk seems determined to get people to start using it. I would file a bug with them over this and provide files that demonstrate the issue in a vanilla copy of Maya.