Maya Stand Alone, Recording Values Over Time

How would i record the values of attribute over time?

I was told that with Maya Standalone, you don’t have access to Mayas UI elements because that aren’t loaded/ don’t exist. So if I wanted to record the position of a constrained object from a certain time range ie( 1-20) how would I achieve this? Since I can’t use the cmds.currentTime() command to update the time in the scene file? And bakeResult only bakes out the first frame of the object…

getAttr has a flag called Time, see if that does the trick “Evaluate the attribute at the given time instead of the current time.”

Also, I have managed to use listconnections to get hold of the animation node of a ‘set driven key’ once and was able to grab values out of the curves of that anim-node.
Gonna check if I can find some of that code and post it.

Or get the time node in your scene. And see if you can manipulate current time directly from it. type = "time" )

Arite thank you, what is the best way of running maya standalone? i’ve been making a bat file and executing it that way, but when I try that same method on other computers it crashes

Try setting the time with MGlobal::viewFrame

OpenMaya.MGlobal.viewFrame(15.0) #etc

I generally just drop a .py file onto mayapy.exe to do batch mode, or launch it and enter commands by hand.

If you want to be able to call a standalone instance from a tool you can open mayapy.exe using subprocess or os.sytem and then pass the .py file you want to run as a command arg, as well as args for the .py file like so.

cmd = 'mayapy arg1 arg2 arg3'


in the .py file you can code as if you were in maya, just make sure you have the following in there

import maya.standalone as ms


Matt - That maya.standalone import thing is new to me. Why is it necessary? I thought you could just plop some python in a file and mayapy would execute it as expected…?

You have to import maya standalone and initialize it to boot up the maya core, otherwise importing and using maya cmds/OpenMaya/mel will fail.