Maya - SmoothBindSkin;


When skinning, the history section of the script editor gives what appears to be a global proc named SmoothBindSkin; instead of the .mel command skinCluster with all it’s flags.

How can I find out what SmoothBindSkin actually does? I’d love to see the .mel for this procedure.

Any recommendations?



SmoothBindSkin is a Run Time Command

// Mel
whatIs SmoothBindSkinOptions;
// Result: Run Time Command // 

You can find these in MAYA_DIR/scripts/startup/defaultRunTimeCommands.mel. Run Time Commands specify a name for another command. From the docs (runTimeCommand command):

Create a MEL command given the specified name. Once the command is created you can invoke it like any other MEL command. When the command is invoked it will execute the string attached to the command flag.

SmoothBindSkin calls performSkinCluster, which is in MAYA_DIR/scripts/others/performSkinCluster.mel

Much Thanks, Capper!

You can query the command also so you don’t have to dig through that mel file.

cmds.runTimeCommand('SmoothBindSkin', q=True, command=True)