Maya skinCluster command's bindMethod flag not working

Has anyone successfully used the skinCluster command’s bindMethod flag? I get this error:

TypeError: Invalid flag ‘bm’

I tried short and long names, tried python, pymel, & mel, tried create & edit modes, and every time I get that error. Maybe someone documented the flag name wrong or does it just not exist? Seemed odd.

I’m in Maya 2012 SP2 on Linux.

I’m going to look into it more but thought I’d ask in case someone knew something about this.

Sigh. After checking to see if it worked in 2014 and 2013 I realized that I was looking at the 2013 docs online.

What confused me most was that there’s still a “Bind Method” option in the 2012 Smooth Bind Skin options, which is controlled by the ignoreHierarchy flag.

In conclusion… Nothing to see here, move along.



Yeah I’m glad this will now forever live in people’s search results.