Maya selecting shape instead of transform node in viewport,

Hi peopz,

Hope everyone’s doing great!

I have a little techy question related to rigging and maya. here goes,

In my work lately i have noticed that sometimes maya decides to only priorities a selection in the view port to be the shape node instead of the transform node, which ends with huge animator frustration as I have to ask them to pickwalk one up on all their selection. Obviously not a solution.

anyone know what to do about it? I have tried to hunt down the reason for this happening but with no luck. In the beginning i was sure it was only on the controllers that had had the command “parent -r -s” but suddenly now i can see its on all my controllers. It seems a little currupt somehow.

Did anyone have the same or is it a small bug i can avoid somehow?

a picture to clarify

Thanks in advance,


Mark-J said cleverly

“Might be the over-rides. If you have DrawOverrides set on the transform node so that it’s set to something like reference, but have also set the overrides on the shape node to be enable and full, then Maya will default the selection to the shape as t can’t get to the transform.”

which was the case, …thought id share the answer to my own question incase anyone else fell on this problem.
