We needed to scale a bunch of rigs and animations down in Maya, and had some success doing it by modifying the .ma text files directly. Thought I’d share this as I’m proud it actually worked, and haven’t seen this solution before.
It’s a straight forward process. There are about 25 different attribute types that define the final size of something in the .ma text, and you can literally scale those value as needed to adjust the size of a complete rig/mesh. There will be rig-type specific attributes that are harder to find, but in my case it was just one or two attributes that defined the default ik stretch length. It took about 5 days to find all the attributes, and figure out the correct regex patterns to catch them all. One thing I didn’t address was scaling the animation files. Those were easier to do in Maya, just by using the pm.scaleKey command. The animation curve tangents were a big puzzle to figure out, and in the end it was easier to scale in Maya instead of modifying the tangent text directly.
It was a bit of a time investment up front, but worth it if you have a large number of assets to bust through.