Is there a simple rebuild workflow for Mgear?
- Adjust guides.
- You have to click “Build from Selection” again.
- A new rig group appears. (As opposed to using the existing one).
- Reskin the mesh to the new rig group (3+ step process. Binding it. And exporting and importing the the weights)
- Delete the old rig
- Manually run “delete the unused nodes” command just in case there are stray nodes.
In advance skeleton, it would be just
- Toogle Guides
- Rebuild AS.
Am I missing something in Mgear?
P.S. The documentation doesn’t seem to provide a workflow nor existing videos in Youtube.
P.P.S. I do recognize that it’s much more stable to completely delete the old and just use the new one. But in most cases where I just nudget a single pivot point, rebuilding with the existing set-up would make more sense.