Hi, I am writing a script which allows the user edit the basic parameters of the basic INPUT of an object selected in the scene, in my case a polyPipe node created by myself in another script and with a custom attribute, and I want give the user the possibility to change it’s radius through a slider.
Obviously the INPUT polyPipe must exists in history, but how can I access that?
the cmds.polyPipe in edit mode works with a string like that:
cmds.polyPipe(objectSelected, edit = True, r= value)
where objectSelected must have this format:
[u’pPipe1’, u’polyPipe1’]
But how can I access the polyPipe string of a selected object in the scene?
I managed to iterate all the connections until reaching it, but the user could also change it’s name, and in that case my code wouldn’t work.
Any ideas? Thanks!