What is the best way to connect a intSlider to an intField and the other way around. So That if I change the slider the number in the intField changes or when I change the intField value the slider moves to the correct position.
This is what I’ve got so far:
def updateSpacingSlider(item):
def updateSpacingField(spacingField):
spacingField.setValue(pm.intSlider('spacingS', query=True, value=True))
with pm.rowColumnLayout(numberOfColumns=3, columnWidth=[1,90]):
spacingField = pm.intField('spacingF', width=80, minValue=1, maxValue=20, value=gridSpacing, changeCommand=updateSpacingSlider)
spacingSlider = pm.intSlider('spacingS', minValue=1, maxValue=20, value=gridSpacing, changeCommand=updateSpacingField, spacingField))
Not sure what to put in the updateSpacingSlider since the slider is not defined yet